12 Gw Solar to Hydrogen Facility to be Built in Mozambique, Sa to Follow Suit

12 gw solar to hydrogen facility to be built in Mozambique, sa to follow suit.

Once up and running, it’s expected that 4,000 tonnes of hydrogen will be produced at this facility, satisfying the ever-increasing need for green energy.

A 12-gigawatt peak solar-to-hydrogen facility will be constructed in Mozambique.

Jearrard Energy Resources and its subsidiaries plan to kick off the project during the first quarter of next year.

Once up and running, it’s expected that 4,000 tonnes of hydrogen will be produced at this facility – satisfying the ever-increasing need for green energy.

The company’s operational director, Johann Kamp, explained that similar projects for the South African market are also on the cards for the third quarter of 2024.

“Same scenario, putting up solar plants with electrolysers whereby we then do exactly the same – we manufacture hydrogen and that becomes then a product of South Africa, which then obviously gets taxes and so forth, so the growth of the South African economy will felt by that.”