Dutch shipping company Future Proof Shipping to begin retrofit of FPS Waal with hydrogen propulsion system

The FPS Waal, a vessel operated by Future Proof Shipping (FPS) has completed its last inland voyage using a diesel engine, and will now be retrofitted with a system to enable it to run on hydrogen. The retrofit is scheduled to begin this week and will be carried out by the Holland Shipyards Group shipyard in Werkendam, the Netherlands.

Much like a previously converted vessel – the FPS Maas but now called H2 Barge 1 – the FPS Waal will have its internal combustion engines completely removed before a new zero emission propulsion system is fitted. This will consist of PEM fuel cells, hydrogen storage, battery packs and an electric drive train. Holland Shipyards Group previously selected marine battery manufacturer AYK Energy to supply the lithium batteries for the retrofit.

A third container vessel retrofit is planned, one that will also be equipped with a zero emission hydrogen propulsion system – called the FPS Rijn.

The latest project is supported by grant funding from the Interreg North Sea Region Programme (Zero Emission Ports North Sea – ZEM Ports NS), Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Port of Rotterdam and Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart.