Hydrogen Therapy in treatment
of lung cancer

New adjuvant therapy in
lung cancer

Lung cancer is the most common malignant tumor and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.

Hydrogen has an antioxidant role that can selectively eliminate reactive oxygen species (ROS) or also called free radicals.

With regard to cancer, both increased and decreased ROS levels can disrupt redox homeostasis and lead to redox stress leading to cell damage and cancerous transformation.

Нова подпомагаща терапия при рак на белия дроб

Hydrogen suppresses the progression of lung cancer

Водородът потиска прогресията на Рак на Белия Дроб

This finding indicates that hydrogen exerts its antitumor role by altering the intratumoral level of ROS.

In addition, hydrogen suppresses lung cancer progression by regulating the expression of structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 (SMC3), which is an important regulator of chromosome condensation.

In order to further investigate the mechanism of hydrogen in suppressing the progression of lung cancer, a medical study illustrated that hydrogen gas suppresses the progression of lung cancer by down-regulating CD47.

→ Link to the original medical study, translated into Bulgarian

Hydrogen in Chemotherapy and other Cancer Therapies

Chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy are used against advanced non-small cell lung cancer. There is no clinically effective method to alleviate the unwanted side effects associated with such therapies. The drugs that are used cause malaise, nausea, vomiting, confusion and other unwanted side effects.

A medical study has shown that hydrogen inhalation can be used to control tumor progression and alleviate adverse drug events in patients with advanced lung cancer.

Белодробен Рак
Водородът облекчава страничните от химиотерапията и другите ракови терапии

Hydrogen eases side effects of lung cancer drugs

It has been found that the combination of traditional drug treatment and hydrogen therapy as an adjunctive therapy removes the side effects of cancer drugs and they are reduced drastically or almost eliminated.

→ Link to the original medical study, translated into Bulgarian

Brain metastases disappear after inhalation of hydrogen

Мозъчните метастази

Lung cancer is the most common type of tumor prone to contralateral lung, bone and brain metastases.

A medical publication reported on a 44-year-old woman diagnosed with multiple metastatic lung cancer in November 2015. Oral targeted drugs were initiated after removal of brain metastases, and most lesions remained stable for 28 months.

In the same woman in March 2018, multiple intracranial metastases were noted, as well as accumulation of hydrocephalus in the third ventricle and lateral ventricles and metastases in the bones, adrenal glands, liver.

The patient begins hydrogen therapy by inhaling hydrogen. Hydrogen gas monotherapy started to control the tumor a month later. After 4 months, the size of multiple brain tumors was significantly reduced, and the amount of hydrocephalus in the third ventricle and lateral ventricles was significantly reduced.

After 1 year, all brain tumors disappeared, and there were no significant changes in liver and lung metastases. These data show that after standard treatments have failed, hydrogen gas monotherapy induces significant effective tumor control (especially those in the brain) and prolongs survival time.

→ Link to the original medical study, translated into Bulgarian

For the first time in Bulgaria
Hydrogen Therapy Procedures in a Medical Center

DKC1 “St. Clementina”, Varna
(formerly “City Hospital”)

Varna, 40 Soborni Blvd
(next to the Central Post Office, behind the Cathedral)


Telephone for registration:

+359 895 640 352
(Medical sister Milena Velikova)

Head of department:

Dr. Veronika Gadjovska,


5 procedures
125 lv
(25 lv per procedure)
ENROLLMENT0895 640 352

MOST CHOSEN15 procedures
360 lv
(you save BGN15)
ENROLLMENT0895 640 352

most profitable25 procedures
550 lv
(you save BGN 75)
ENROLLMENT0895 640 352

What is
“Hydrogen Therapy”?

In essence, “Hydrogen Therapy” is an additional regular intake of hydrogen by drinking hydrogen-enriched water and/or inhaling hydrogen-oxygen gas (also known as “Brown gas” or “HHO gas”).

The so-called “Hydrogen water” is structured water saturated with hydrogen, which has been proven to hydrate the body up to 6 times faster than all other types of water (mineral, spring, tap, etc.).

Drinking Hydrogen Water can help neutralize free radicals.

Even more effective is the direct inhalation of hydrogen, since in this way about 100 times more of it is taken.

General benefits of
Hydrogen Therapy

Генерални ползи от Водородната Терапия

The proven Antioxidant effect of Hydrogen Therapy

Free radicals

Free radicals have been scientifically proven to disrupt redox homeostasis, leading to cellular redox stress.

This is precisely what causes cells to be damaged and become cancerous.

In short, for this reason free radicals are associated with the onset of almost all known age-related diseases, including:

  • ☑ different types of Cancer;
  • ☑ Diabetes;
  • ☑ Asthma and COPD;
  • ☑ Alzheimer’s disease;
  • ☑ Arthritis;
  • ☑ Atherosclerosis;
  • ☑ many more…
Здрава, добре хидратирана клетка

healthy cell

Клетка атакувана от свободни радикали

cell attacked
from free radicals

Клетка с оксидативен стрес причинен от свободните радикали

redox stress caused by
free radicals

Hundreds of scientific publications unequivocally show that, thanks to its unproven antioxidant properties, hydrogen reverses this process and suppresses the progression of all types of cancer – including lung cancer.

More on the subject of “Hydrogen Therapy” and its undeniable benefits for human health can be found both on our website and in a variety of media and reliable natural medicine platforms, including: Natural Medicine Journal, National Library of Medicine and Nature Research

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Equipment for

Hydrogen Therapy

HBS10 H is a Hydrogen Therapy Device, developed for conducting rehabilitation procedures in therapeutic centers, based on our Top Health Device – HBS10.

More about HBS10 H