Hydrogen Therapy in
Colon Cancer Treatment
(Colorectal Carcinoma)
Prepared by:
Doctor Ivan Vlasov
The Application of Hydrogen in the Complex Treatment of Colon Cancer
Thanks to its distinctive antitumor properties, Hydrogen Therapy reduces oxidative stress and suppresses tumor progression in the treatment of Colon Cancer (Colorectal Carcinoma).
According to a study published in the medical “World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology” (World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology) – applied in combination with chemotherapy, hydrogen significantly increases the positive results while reducing the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy.

Results of the treatment of Colorectal Carcinoma
with Hydrogen (H2) and 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
(Clinical Study published in the scientific “World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology”)
Colon cancer can be completely curable with early diagnosis and aggressive surgical treatment of the tumor and metastases, followed by modern chemotherapy.
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is the most commonly used modern chemotherapy for Colorectal Carcinoma, which is distinguished by many benefits for the patient, but also with significant side effects.
According to the mentioned clinical study, hydrogen leads to a significant improvement in the results of treatment with 5-Fluorouracil, while at the same time reducing the unwanted effects caused by chemotherapy.
Hydrogen Therapy is well tolerated and has a high potential to reduce the side effects of carcinoma treatment and improve long-term prognosis.
Applied alone, hydrogen inhalations reduce oxidative stress, and in combination with 5-FU, in a synergistic manner, significantly suppress tumor progression.

Colorectal Carcinoma (Colon Cancer)
The incidence of Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC) is increasing in all industrialized countries.
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death after lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Its frequency in our country is 50/100,000 newly discovered cases per year.
The incidence of CRC is highest in people between the ages of 60 and 80, but it can also occur in younger people. Colorectal Carcinoma occurs almost equally in both sexes, while Rectal Carcinoma is more common in men.
The place of Hydrogen Therapy
in complex treatment
of Colorectal Carcinoma
Hydrogen Suppresses Tumor Growth and Enhances Antitumor Efficacy of 5-Fluorouracil in a Tumor Xenograft Model of Colon Cancer (Colorectal Carcinoma)
In the study cited above, the influence of hydrogen on tumor growth was investigated in a xenograft model of Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC).
The results obtained prove that the application of hydrogen therapy significantly supports the treatment with 5-Fluorouracil and further reduces tumor progression (Figure 1).

Specifically, the mean control tumor size was 2698.85 mm3, while the mean 5-FU chemotherapy tumor size was 2097.32 mm3 (22.3% tumor growth suppression).
The main disadvantage of 5-Fluorouracil (chemotherapy) treatment is that it causes many unwanted side effects.
According to a number of medical studies, hydrogen helps to reduce these effects, having a beneficial effect on liver function.
In comparison, the suppressive effect of hydrogen on tumor growth was slightly more potent than that of 5-FU (2047.23 mm3 vs. 2097.32 mm3), but not as effective as the combination therapy (H2 + 5-FU) .
The results achieved with hydrogen therapy were 24.1% suppression of tumor progression compared to control tumor size (2047.23 mm3 vs. 2698.85 mm3).

Combination therapy, on the other hand, resulted in the greatest suppression of CRC tumor size – with a mean size of 1177.5 mm3 achieved (56.4% suppression compared to control). An approximately 30% decrease in tumor weight was also observed (Figure 2).
To date, more than 1,500 scientific studies have been published investigating the therapeutic effect of hydrogen in nearly 170 diseases, including the treatment of Colon Cancer (Colorectal Carcinoma).
Simultaneous administration of Hydrogen Inhalations and 5-Fluorouracil significantly reduced the weight and size of the CRC tumor, as well as the amount of collagen and fibrosis, slightly increasing oxidative stress and decreasing antioxidant activity.

In addition – Hydrogen Therapy is distinguished by a beneficial effect on the liver function of patients undergoing chemotherapy.
In addition to the positive effect on chemotherapy, hydrogen inhalations have also been reported to have a protective effect against radiation-induced bone marrow damage, as well as a reduction in other side effects of radiotherapy.
From the above, it is clear that the indication for the application of combined therapy, including hydrogen inhalations, is Class C1 and Class C2 according to the modified Dukes classification, i.e. with invasion of the entire colon wall, adjacent structures, metastases in lymph nodes, distant metastases.

Hydrogen Therapy
HBS10 is a device for hydrogen water and hydrogen breathing, with which everyone can easily apply hydrogen therapy at home. The device produces a minimum of 450 milliliters of hydrogen gas per minute. This covers the internationally accepted standards for hydrogen inhalation therapy.
Proudly made in Bulgaria
based on more than 10 years of experience in the production and development of hydrogen technologies
Chromatographically studied at BAS
CE certified
Tested and Recommended by H2HUBB, USA
Safe and well-tolerated adjuvant therapy with the potential to reduce the side effects of conventional cancer therapy while improving outcomes is of great interest to colorectal cancer patients and their treating physicians and is seen in Hydrogen Therapy.
It has an antitumor effect and also reduces and reduces the side effects of conventional treatment with 5-Fluorouracil.
Combining both types of treatment has a suppressive effect on tumor progression.

General benefits of
Hydrogen Therapy

What is
“Hydrogen Therapy”?
In essence, “Hydrogen Therapy” is an additional regular intake of hydrogen by drinking hydrogen-enriched water and/or inhaling hydrogen-oxygen gas (also known as “Brown gas” or “HHO gas”).
The so-called “Hydrogen water” is structured water saturated with hydrogen, which has been proven to hydrate the body up to 6 times faster than all other types of water (mineral, spring, tap, etc.).
Drinking Hydrogen Water can help neutralize free radicals.
Even more effective is the direct inhalation of hydrogen, since in this way about 100 times more of it is taken.

The best-selling Bulgarian device in the world
for Hydrogen Therapy
OF 2-in-1 TYPE
- for the production of Hydrogen Water,
- for Breathing with Hydrogen
Designed and manufactured in Bulgaria based on previous experience of over 10 years in the production of hydrogen equipment.
Each device complies with BDS.
A conformity assessment procedure was carried out for the model.
Chromatographically studied at BAS.
Marked with European initials for CE conformity.
Tested and Recommended by H2HUBB, USA.
Video Presentations
Hydrogen water or hydrogen inhalation?
(video presentation)
Apparatus for Hydrogen Therapy HBS10
(video instruction for charging and operation)
Hydrogen water – when, how and how much to drink?
(video presentation)
Apparatus for Hydrogen Therapy
(споделено от ползватели)