Hydrogen Therapy and
brain metastases

M.D. Ivan Vlasov

Hydrogen inhalations lead to the elimination of metastases in the brain

This article examines real-life study results published in a scientific report on a medical case involving a 44-year-old woman with multiple tumors in the left cranial cavity and right lung.

According to the report, after one year of hydrogen monotherapy, the brain metastases were cleared.

Водородните инхалации водят до заличаване на метастази в мозъка

Presentation of the Case Study and the Conducted Study

The study was conducted at Fuda Cancer Hospital of Jinan University and was approved by the ethics committee. The authors of the report state that there is no conflict of interest, and the patient herself gave her consent to publish the results of the study.

In November 2015, the 44-year-old woman was admitted to the university hospital with complaints of dizziness and headache. An MRI (nuclear magnetic resonance) was performed, which established brain metastases and a CAT (computed tomography) of the chest, which visualized the lung carcinoma – the primary focus. Adenocarcinoma was proven from the biopsy performed, and from the genetic tests performed – data on mutations in the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) gene.

Мозъчните метастази

Targeted therapy was started. The disease was well controlled until July 2017, and in September it progressed. A change in the patient’s targeted therapy followed, and she stabilized until March 2018, when the disease progressed again, and the patient’s general condition worsened.

A new CT scan of the chest was carried out, from which an enlargement of the primary focus in the right lung, the appearance of new lung metastases were detected, and the conducted MRI revealed more metastases and their complications – accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles (cavities in the brain ).

The patient refused radiotherapy and neurosurgical intervention at this time and signed an informed consent for Hydrogen Therapy

Водородът потиска прогресията на Рак на Белия Дроб

Clinical Results of the conducted Hydrogen Therapy

From April 2018, as the only treatment, the patient started doing inhalations with hydrogen.

After four months of treatment, most of the brain metastases were removed, and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain cavities (third ventricle and lateral ventricles) was significantly reduced.

After one year of treatment, the brain metastases were erased, the patient felt well and did not stop doing hydrogen inhalations for 3-5 hours a day. A significant reduction in the level of tumor markers (CEA and CA-125) was also found from the conducted research.

Метастази в мозъка (фигура 1)

April 2018
In April 2018, the metastases are clearly visible – two larger ones in the right cerebral hemisphere and several smaller ones, also metastases in the cerebellum

August 2018
In August 2018 it appears that the large metastases have disappeared from view, a few smaller ones are still present

April 2019
In April 2019, one year after starting the hydrogen therapy by inhalation, the patient is feeling well and there is no sign of the metastases

Serum tumor markers before and after
conducted Hydrogen Therapy

The dashed lines at the bottom of each figure represent the normal range.

From the graphs attached above, a significant decrease in the level of tumor markers (CEA, CA125 and CYFRA21-1) is clearly seen for the 4 and 12 month periods.

It is not yet clear whether what happened in the history of the 44-year-old patient is due to one or more mechanisms, namely the neuroprotective effect of hydrogen inhalations either through activation of the anti-apoptotic protein kinase B, or is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of hydrogen therapy , which reduces the production of inflammatory mediators and interleukins (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, ICAM-1, HMGB1, NF-kB and PGE2).

Apart from the case study described here, other scientific reports also testify to the unique therapeutic effect regarding hydrogen therapy and brain metastases.

Abbreviations: CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; CA125, carbohydrate antigen 125; CYFRA21-1, cytokeratin fragment antigen 21-1; IL-1β and IL-6, Interleukin-1 beta and Interleukin-6; TNF-α, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha; ICAM-1, Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1; HMGB1, High Mobility Group B1 Protein; NF-kB, Nuclear Factor-kappa beta; PGE2, Prostaglandin E2

To the Original Study


Inhalation of hydrogen gas can be used as an alternative or as part of the complex therapy of a number of oncological diseases, especially lung carcinoma. And as it becomes clear from the follow-up of the case with the 44-year-old patient – also with metastases in the brain and liver.

Hydrogen therapy can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of shortness of breath, cough and sputum production in lung cancer patients, as well as the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache – characteristic of brain metastases.

Here, the fact that hydrogen therapy is characterized by a good tolerance and safety profile also comes into consideration.

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General benefits of
Hydrogen Therapy

Hydrogen Therapy » Main Benefits

What is
“Hydrogen Therapy”?

In essence, “Hydrogen Therapy” is an additional regular intake of hydrogen by drinking hydrogen-enriched water and/or inhaling hydrogen-oxygen gas (also known as “Brown gas” or “HHO gas”).

The so-called “Hydrogen water” is structured water saturated with hydrogen, which has been proven to hydrate the body up to 6 times faster than all other types of water (mineral, spring, tap, etc.).

Drinking Hydrogen Water can help neutralize free radicals.

Even more effective is the direct inhalation of hydrogen, since in this way about 100 times more of it is taken.

The proven Antioxidant effect of Hydrogen Therapy

Free radicals

Free radicals have been scientifically proven to disrupt redox homeostasis, leading to cellular redox stress.

This is precisely what causes cells to be damaged and become cancerous.

In short, for this reason free radicals are associated with the onset of almost all known age-related diseases, including:

  • ☑ different types of Cancer;
  • ☑ Diabetes;
  • ☑ Asthma and COPD;
  • ☑ Alzheimer’s disease;
  • ☑ Arthritis;
  • ☑ Atherosclerosis;
  • ☑ many more…
Здрава, добре хидратирана клетка

healthy cell

Клетка атакувана от свободни радикали

cell attacked
from free radicals

Клетка с оксидативен стрес причинен от свободните радикали

redox stress caused by
free radicals

Hundreds of scientific publications unequivocally show that, thanks to its unproven antioxidant properties, hydrogen reverses this process and suppresses the progression of all types of cancer – including lung cancer.

More on the subject of “Hydrogen Therapy” and its undeniable benefits for human health can be found both on our website and in a variety of media and reliable natural medicine platforms, including: Natural Medicine Journal, National Library of Medicine and Nature Research

Professional Equipment for

Hydrogen Therapy

HBS10 H is a Hydrogen Therapy Device, developed for conducting rehabilitation procedures in therapeutic centers, based on our Top Health Device – HBS10.

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