H2O2 Lavage for Peritonitis TreatmentScientific Research

original title: Trial of Electrolyzed Strong Acid Aqueous Solution Lavage in the Treatment of Peritonitis and Intraperitoneal Abscess


Yoshihiro Inoue, Shigeatsu Endo, Koryo Kondo, Hironobu Ito, Hiroaki Omori, Kazuyoshi Saito

DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1594.1997.tb00695.x



Electrolyzed strong acid aqueous solution is acidic water that contains active oxygen and active chlorine and possesses a redox potential. We performed peritoneal and abscess lavages with an electrolyzed strong acid aqueous solution to treat 7 patients with peritonitis and intraperitoneal abscesses, who were seen in our department between December 1994 and April 1995. The underlying disease was duodenal ulcer perforation in 4 of these 7 patients and gastric ulcer perforation, acute enteritis, and intraperitoneal perforation of pyometrium in 1 patient each. Irrigation was performed twice a day. Micro biological studies of the paracentesis fluid were negative in 3 cases, and the irrigation period was 2–4 days. Anaerobic bacteria were isolated in 3 of the 4 positive cases (Bacteroides in 2, Prevotella in l), and a fungus (Candida) was isolated in the remaining patient. The period of irrigation in these patients ranged from 9 to 12 days, but conversion to a microorganism negative state was observed in 3–7 days.