H2 (Hydrogen) water or
H2 breathing
Which is more effective

Much recent research indicates significant evidence of positive impact of molecular hydrogen in helping our bodies
Fight off viral infections, as well as formation of radicals and cancer cells
About HYDROGEN THERAPY (intake of “hydrogen water” and / or hydrogen respiration), its EFFICIENCY and justifiably increasing and POPULARITY in the last 2 years
Hydrogen therapy has been the subject of over 2,500 research publications and clinical experiments, involving both animals and humans, which indicates an increased level of interest in hydrogen health from the scientific community and the general public alike.
Hydrogen inhalation therapy – a case study of the hydrogen medical treatment offered in Japan.
As of 1 December 2016, the Japanese Ministry of Health has approved hydrogen inhalation treatment as the official B51 medical treatment. Today, more than 500 hospitals in Japan use hydrogen breathing as a therapy.
Hydrogen inhalation has been introduced in ambulances in Japan. Cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction are conditions in which blood vessels are blocked and blood supply to the brain is reduced. In this case, the patient is given large amounts of oxygen. This leads to the formation of free radicals that are harmful to healthy cells. Heart attack treatments require lowering the temperature of the brain to prevent brain cells destruction. At this point, the emergency patient is given hydrogen, which controls the formation of free radicals and helps keep the cells from collapsing.
Hydrogen helps in the treatment of many diseases, such as:
- viral infections, including COVID;
- cancer;
- diabetes;
- asthma and many others.
Types of hydrogen therapy
At standard ambient conditions, hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas. Hydrogen can be administered to a patient in a number of ways, for example:
- by inhalation;
- by ingesting hydrogen-infused water;
- by injecting hydrogen-saturated saline solution;
- by taking a bath filled with hydrogen-saturated water.
The two most popular and generally available methods of hydrogen consumption are: drinking hydrogen-infused water and inhaling hydrogen directly.

Hydrogenated water – how much molecular hydrogen can be dissolved in water
Hydrogen gas is difficult to dissolve in water. At best, it is possible to dissolve no more than 1.6 milligrams of hydrogen in 1 litre of water – that is 0.0016 g in a litre of water. After dissolving hydrogen in water, it tends to escape – just as the CO2 bubbles escape carbonated water. Therefore, the shelf life of hydrogen water is quiteshort. Once hydrogen water is ingested, it enters the stomach and then the intestines, and it is at this stage when the hydrogen is absorbed by the body.
Hydrogen water is structured water. Hydrogen water hydrates the body 6 times faster than ordinary water.
Overall, hydrogen water has been shown in multiple studies to have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, the hydrogen water is recommended not only for people with health conditions, but also for people living an especially active lifestyle.
Hydrogen inhalation is the most effective method for administering hydrogen therapy.
When hydrogen is inhaled, it enters the lungs and from there directly into the bloodstream, where it reaches the target cells quickly. Through inhalation, approximately100 times more hydrogen is absorbed, compared to the drinking of hydrogen water.
There are international standards for administering hydrogen therapy. The standard for the minimum amount of hydrogen-oxygen gas consumed in therapy, to have a good effect, is 120 to 240 milliliters of gas per minute.
When enough hydrogen is administered, it stays in the blood for longer and thus remains active in eliminating harmful free radicals. Medical research has shown that when introducing hydrogen water in the venous blood, hydrogen is not detected, but when breathing hydrogen – hydrogen remains in the blood for up to 2 hours.

the latest model of Hydrogen Therapy device on the market
TYPE 2-in-1
- for the production of HydrogenatedWater,
- for Hydrogen Inhalation
Designed and manufactured in the EU based on previous experience of over 10 years in the production of hydrogen equipment.
Hydrogen Therapy Machines
The HBS10 produces a minimum of 450 milliliters of hydrogen gas per minute. This covers the internationally accepted standards for hydrogen inhalation therapy.
The amount of hydrogen consumed during a 30-minute hydrogen inhalation procedure is equal to the amount of hydrogen that would dissolve in 18,000 glasses of water.